SB1571 - Relating to the use of artificial intelligence in campaign communications; declaring an emergency.
Aaron Woods, James I. Manning, Sara Gelser Blouin
Last updated 9 months ago
36 Co-Sponsors
The Act would require a disclosure of the use of AI or other similar technology in campaign ads. The Act would create a way to enforce the requirement and to impose a fine for violations. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.7). Requires a disclosure of the use of synthetic media in campaign communications. Provides for the enforcement of the requirement. Subjects a violation of the requirement to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000. Exempts certain entities and content from the requirement. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
SB1533 - Relating to elections.
Kayse M. Jama, James I. Manning, Lew Frederick
Last updated 9 months ago
23 Co-Sponsors
Tells the SOS to translate the voters' pamphlet into the 10 most common languages used in each county. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Increases, from 5 to 10, the number of the most commonly spoken languages in each county, other than English, that the Secretary of State must include on a publicly available list and into which the secretary must translate voters' pamphlets. Increases the number of translator members on the Translation Advisory Council. Increases, from 100 or more individuals to 300 or more individuals, the number of people in a county who must speak one of 10 listed languages in order to require a county voters' pamphlet to be translated into that language.
HB4140 - Relating to victims; declaring an emergency.
Jason S. Kropf, Courtney Neron, Janeen A. Sollman
Last updated 9 months ago
37 Co-Sponsors
The Act tells DOJ to include in future budget requests amounts to fund various programs that help victims of crime. The Act goes into effect when the Governor signs it. (Flesch Readability Score: 70.3). [Digest: The Act gives money to the DOJ to fund various programs that help victims of crime. The Act goes into effect when the Governor signs it. (Flesch Readability Score: 79.7).] [Appropriates moneys to the Department of Justice to fund certain programs that assist victims of crime.] Directs the Department of Justice to include in future budget requests amounts necessary to fund children's advocacy centers, the Survivor Housing Funds grant program and the Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Fund. Directs children's advocacy center directors to biennially submit to the department projected costs and estimates of other funding sources for the center. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
SB1569 - Relating to medical assistance payments for services provided to individuals with cognitive impairments.
Deb Patterson, Travis Nelson, James I. Manning
Last updated 10 months ago
31 Co-Sponsors
The Act requires the Oregon Health Plan to pay for certain health services for people with mental deficits. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.6). Requires medical assistance reimbursement of cognitive assessment and care planning for recipients who experience the signs or symptoms of cognitive impairment.
HB4127 - Relating to protections for warehouse workers.
Ricardo Ruiz, James I. Manning, Wlnsvey E. Campos
Last updated 9 months ago
26 Co-Sponsors
Makes quota guidelines for some warehouse workers. Not following this Act is a reason to make a claim to BOLI. (Flesch Readability Score: 69.7). Creates rules and standards for warehouse employees' quota requirements. Creates an exemption for certain employers who are subject to a collective bargaining agreement that meets certain criteria. Establishes a procedure through Bureau of Labor and Industries if employers violate the Act. Provides that an employer's failure to comply with requirements shall subject the employer to civil penalties. Modifies certain biennial appropriations made from the General Fund to the Bureau of Labor and Industries.
SB1596 - Relating to a right to repair consumer electronic equipment.
Janeen A. Sollman, Michael E. Dembrow, Courtney Neron
Last updated 9 months ago
55 Co-Sponsors
Requires someone that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to those who look at, maintain or fix the items what they need to maintain or fix the items. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make fixes. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). [Digest: Requires a person that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to people who look at, maintain or repair the items what they need to do effective maintenance or make effective repairs. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make repairs. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. Takes effect 91 days after session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.1).] Requires an original equipment manufacturer to make available to an owner of consumer electronic equipment or an independent repair provider on fair and reasonable terms any documentation, tool, part or other device or implement that the original equipment manufacturer makes available to an authorized service provider for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining or repairing consumer electronic equipment. Permits the Attorney General in response to a consumer complaint to make an investigative demand of a manufacturer that appears to have violated the Act. Specifies the contents of the investigative demand and the method of service. Subjects a manufacturer that violates the Act to a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each day of the violation. [Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.]
HB4131 - Relating to individual development accounts; declaring an emergency.
Ricardo Ruiz, Deb Patterson, James I. Manning
Last updated 10 months ago
33 Co-Sponsors
The Act funds matching deposits for IDA accounts. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2). Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Housing and Community Services Department for the purpose of making matching deposits into individual development accounts. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
SB1572 - Relating to a study on extending the Westside Express Service commuter line to Salem; declaring an emergency.
Aaron Woods, James I. Manning, Kevin L. Mannix
Last updated 10 months ago
27 Co-Sponsors
The Act requires ODOT to study extending the WES commuter rail line to Salem. The Act creates an advisory committee to aid ODOT in its study. Requires ODOT to partner with the advisory committee as part of the process of conducting the study. Tells ODOT to use an IGA with the MWVCOG to provide staff support for the advisory committee. Tells ODOT to also conduct gap analysis of the data from an earlier ODOT rail study. ODOT must submit a report no later than December 1, 2024. Gives money to ODOT to pay for the costs of the study. The Act takes effect as soon as it is passed. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.2). [Digest: The Act requires ODOT to study extending the WES commuter rail line to Salem. The Act creates an advisory committee to aid ODOT in its study. Requires ODOT to consult with the advisory committee as part of the process of conducting the study. ODOT must submit a report no later than December 1, 2024. Gives money to ODOT to pay for the costs of the study. The Act takes effect as soon as it is passed. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.4).] Requires the Department of Transportation, [after consulting] in partnership with the Westside Express Advisory Committee, to study extending the Westside Express Service commuter line to Salem. Directs the department to delegate, through an intergovernmental agreement, with the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments performance of administrative functions of the advisory committee. Directs the department, as part of the study, to conduct a gap analysis of the data components of the 2010 Rail Study undertaken by the department. Directs the department to submit findings to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to transportation not later than December 1, 2024. Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Department of Transportation for the study. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
HB4153 - Relating to artificial intelligence; declaring an emergency.
Daniel Nguyen, Aaron Woods, Janelle Bynum
Last updated 9 months ago
11 Co-Sponsors
Creates a task force to look for and find words and meanings related to artificial intelligence that may be used in laws. Makes task force report its findings on or before December 1, 2024. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Establishes the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence. Requires the task force to examine and identify terms and definitions related to artificial intelligence that may be used for legislation and report its findings and recommendations to the interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to information management and technology on or before December 1, 2024. Sunsets the task force January 1, 2025. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
HB4151 - Relating to youth behavioral health; declaring an emergency.
Tawna Sanchez, Lisa Reynolds, Thomas Andersen
Last updated 9 months ago
32 Co-Sponsors
The Act makes a small group to look at the youth behavioral workforce. (Flesch Readability Score: 77.8). Directs the System of Care Advisory Council to establish a subcommittee on the youth behavioral health workforce. Requires the subcommittee to submit an initial report to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to behavioral health not later than September 15, 2024, and a final report to the Legislative Assembly not later than December 15, 2025. Sunsets December 31, 2025. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Senator from Oregon district SD-018
Oregon Senate
Oregon Senate from Oregon
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