SB1596 - Relating to a right to repair consumer electronic equipment.
Janeen A. Sollman, Michael E. Dembrow, Courtney Neron
Last updated 9 months ago
55 Co-Sponsors
Requires someone that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to those who look at, maintain or fix the items what they need to maintain or fix the items. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make fixes. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). [Digest: Requires a person that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to people who look at, maintain or repair the items what they need to do effective maintenance or make effective repairs. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make repairs. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. Takes effect 91 days after session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.1).] Requires an original equipment manufacturer to make available to an owner of consumer electronic equipment or an independent repair provider on fair and reasonable terms any documentation, tool, part or other device or implement that the original equipment manufacturer makes available to an authorized service provider for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining or repairing consumer electronic equipment. Permits the Attorney General in response to a consumer complaint to make an investigative demand of a manufacturer that appears to have violated the Act. Specifies the contents of the investigative demand and the method of service. Subjects a manufacturer that violates the Act to a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each day of the violation. [Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.]
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