Rep Annessa D. Hartman (HD-040)
Oregon Housesince 11 months
SB1596 - Relating to a right to repair consumer electronic equipment.
Janeen A. Sollman, Michael E. Dembrow, Courtney Neron
Last updated 9 months ago
55 Co-Sponsors
Requires someone that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to those who look at, maintain or fix the items what they need to maintain or fix the items. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make fixes. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.8). [Digest: Requires a person that makes electronic items for consumers to give on fair terms to people who look at, maintain or repair the items what they need to do effective maintenance or make effective repairs. Fair terms means, in part, giving independent people what they need on the same terms as people the maker authorizes to make repairs. Lets the state fine people who violate the Act. Takes effect 91 days after session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.1).] Requires an original equipment manufacturer to make available to an owner of consumer electronic equipment or an independent repair provider on fair and reasonable terms any documentation, tool, part or other device or implement that the original equipment manufacturer makes available to an authorized service provider for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining or repairing consumer electronic equipment. Permits the Attorney General in response to a consumer complaint to make an investigative demand of a manufacturer that appears to have violated the Act. Specifies the contents of the investigative demand and the method of service. Subjects a manufacturer that violates the Act to a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each day of the violation. [Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.]
SB1567 - Relating to the Walla Walla River Basin.
Bill Hansell, James I. Manning, Barbara L. Levy
Last updated 9 months ago
17 Co-Sponsors
The Act tells an agency to take actions on water in the Walla Walla River Basin. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.6). Directs the Water Resources Department to take certain actions related to the Walla Walla Water 2050 Strategic Plan.
HB4159 - Relating to support services; declaring an emergency.
Hoa H. Nguyen, Thuy C. Tran, Courtney Neron
Last updated 10 months ago
15 Co-Sponsors
Makes the office charged with helping persons who are new to the U.S. and Oregon award contracts to entities to provide the persons with support services. Creates a council to advise the office on the support services. Makes the office conduct an annual audit of groups providing the support services. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Requires the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement to contract with entities to provide eligible newcomers with case management, short-term and long-term support services. Defines "eligible newcomers." Creates an advisory council to serve as a forum for sharing information and to advise the office on the provision of the support services. Directs the office to conduct an annual performance audit of each entity contracted by the office to provide the support services. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
HB4127 - Relating to protections for warehouse workers.
Ricardo Ruiz, James I. Manning, Wlnsvey E. Campos
Last updated 9 months ago
26 Co-Sponsors
Makes quota guidelines for some warehouse workers. Not following this Act is a reason to make a claim to BOLI. (Flesch Readability Score: 69.7). Creates rules and standards for warehouse employees' quota requirements. Creates an exemption for certain employers who are subject to a collective bargaining agreement that meets certain criteria. Establishes a procedure through Bureau of Labor and Industries if employers violate the Act. Provides that an employer's failure to comply with requirements shall subject the employer to civil penalties. Modifies certain biennial appropriations made from the General Fund to the Bureau of Labor and Industries.
SB1578 - Relating to health care interpreters; prescribing an effective date.
James I. Manning, Travis Nelson, Maxine E. Dexter
Last updated 9 months ago
24 Co-Sponsors
The Act directs the OHA to set up a health care interpreter management system. The Act requires the OHA to contract with a nonprofit entity to establish a recruitment and retention program. The Act sets out certain requirements for the nonprofit. The Act requires the nonprofit to submit a report to the OHA each year. The Act requires the OHA to seek out all means to get federal matching funds to pay costs of health care interpreter services. The Act goes into effect 91 days after the session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.6). Directs the Oregon Health Authority to establish and maintain an online portal with the functionality to provide online scheduling for health care providers and coordinated care organizations to use to contact health care interpreters directly for purposes of serving Oregon Health Plan members and to process billing for health care interpreter services that were rendered to Oregon Health Plan members. Requires the authority to contract with a nonprofit entity to develop and administer a health care interpreter recruitment and retention program. Provides criteria and reporting requirements that the contracting nonprofit must meet. Requires the authority to seek any federal funding available for costs of reimbursing health care interpreters for health care interpretation services provided to [medical assistance recipients] Oregon Health Plan members no later than January 1, 2025. Modifies certain biennial appropriations made from the General Fund to the Oregon Health Authority. Establishes and modifies limitations on expenditures for certain biennial expenses for the Oregon Health Authority. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB4160 - Relating to sexual conduct involving a student; and prescribing an effective date.
Kevin L. Mannix, Sara Gelser Blouin, Courtney Neron
Last updated 9 months ago
43 Co-Sponsors
Makes change for how long a person is considered a student for an act to be sexual conduct. Changes law on July 1, 2024. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.7). Modifies the length of time by which a person is considered a student for purposes of determining if conduct is prohibited sexual conduct. Takes effect July 1, 2024.
HB4115 - Relating to employment classification of certain strike-prohibited employees; declaring an emergency.
Jeff Helfrich, Paul Evans, Court Boice
Last updated 9 months ago
29 Co-Sponsors
The Act modifies a defined term under PECBA. The Act restricts the makeup of certain collective bargaining units. The Act takes effect as soon as it is passed. (Flesch Readability Score: 70.4). [Digest: The Act modifies a defined term under PECBA. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.2).] Modifies the definition of "supervisory employee" to include certain employees and exclude certain strike-prohibited public employees. Limits the permissible composition of bargaining units regarding the inclusion of certain guards and police officers who serve in a rank that is equivalent to the rank of sergeant and subordinate employees. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
HB4093 - Relating to public health requirements of the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission; declaring an emergency.
Julianna A. Walters, Janeen A. Sollman, Tawna Sanchez
Last updated 10 months ago
9 Co-Sponsors
The Act says that at least one of the commissioners on the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission must know about public health. The Act starts when it passes. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.7). Requires at least one of the commissioners of the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission to have a background in public health. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
SB1585 - Relating to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits; prescribing an effective date.
Wlnsvey E. Campos, Courtney Neron, Michael E. Dembrow
Last updated 9 months ago
29 Co-Sponsors
The Act requires DHS to set up a task force and come up with a plan for a program that allows people who receive SNAP aid to be able to use the aid to buy hot foods and hot foods that are ready to eat. The Act says who must be on the task force. The Act requires DHS to take steps to carry out the program. (Flesch Readability Score: 87). Requires the Department of Human Services to convene a task force to analyze options available under federal law for a program that allows recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits to use the benefits for hot foods, including restaurant meals. Specifies the membership of the task force. Requires the department to implement the program on a statewide basis or as a pilot program. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB4082 - Relating to funding for expanded learning opportunities; declaring an emergency.
Susan McLain, Lew Frederick, Courtney Neron
Last updated 10 months ago
39 Co-Sponsors
Directs ODE to fund summer learning programs and to study how to provide learning during nonschool hours. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Requires the Department of Education to establish and administer the Summer Learning Grant program. Establishes requirements of the program. Directs the department to study and propose recommendations to develop an initiative that addresses education disparities through increased summer and after-school learning opportunities. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Representative from Oregon district HD-040
Oregon House
Oregon House from Oregon
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