S505 - Relative to the Ware river watershed advisory committee
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Anne M. Gobi
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation relative to the Ware river watershed advisory committee. Environment and Natural Resources.
S73 - Establishing a low vision registry
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Julian Andre Cyr
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to establish a low vision registry. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
S1723 - Authorizing independent retirement boards to divest from fossil fuel companies
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Marc R. Pacheco, Michael O. Moore, Carol A. Doherty
Last updated almost 2 years ago4 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to authorize independent retirement boards to divest from fossil fuel companies. Public Service.
S2408 - Relative to advancing the profession of commercial interior design
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, Joan B. Lovely, Patricia A. Haddad
Last updated over 1 year ago10 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to advancing the profession of interior design; and of Patricia A. Haddad and others relative to registered interior designers, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2408).
S1553 - Building a more accessible Massachusetts
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Michael O. Moore, Michael J. Barrett, Salvatore N. DiDomenico
Last updated almost 2 years ago12 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to the Architectural Access Board. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S1154 - To promote the recruitment and retention of hospital workers
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Julian Andre Cyr, Joanne M. Comerford, Jack Patrick Lewis
Last updated almost 2 years ago13 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to promote the recruitment and retention of hospital workers. Labor and Workforce Development.
S2993 - Changing the name of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership to the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Rules, Paul W. Mark, Natalie M. Blais
Last updated 13 days ago3 Co-Sponsors
S160 - Relative to Social Work Uplifting Practices and Exam Removal (“The SUPER Act”)
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Salvatore N. DiDomenico, Manny Cruz, Susannah M. Whipps Lee
Last updated almost 2 years ago26 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to Social Work Uplifting Practices and Exam Removal (“The SUPER Act”). Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
S1479 - Protecting inmate safety and the expenditure of state funds
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Michael J. Barrett
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to protect inmate safety and the expenditure of state funds. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S2239 - Providing for distinctive registration plates for certain veterans who participated in the testing of atomic weapons
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Anne M. Gobi
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to provide distinctive registration plates for certain veterans who participated in the testing of atomic weapons. Transportation.
S370 - Relative to intensive case management for clinically complex older adults
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Adam Gomez, Joanne M. Comerford, Salvatore N. DiDomenico
Last updated almost 2 years ago9 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to intensive case management for clinically complex older adults. Elder Affairs.
S28 - To ensure a free and open internet in the commonwealth
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
James B. Eldridge
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to ensure a free and open internet in the commonwealth. Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity.
S1066 - To address leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death aka Katie Brienzo's Law
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Mark C. Montigny
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to address leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death aka Katie Brienzo's Law. The Judiciary.
S1229 - Resolve establishing a special commission to study the impact of telecommuting on employees of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Walter F. Timilty
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
By Mr. Timilty, a petition of Walter F. Timilty that provisions be made for an investigation and study by a special commission (including members of the General Court) to study the impact of telecommuting on employees of the Commonwealth. Labor and Workforce Development.
S2955 - Authorizing the town of Andover to convert a certain parcel of land for general municipal purposes
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Barry R. Finegold
Last updated 25 days ago1 Co-Sponsor
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