S747 - Relative to the nurse licensure compact in Massachusetts
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Barry R. Finegold
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation relative to participation in the national nurse licensure compact agreement. Health Care Financing.
S2936 - Amending the charter of the city of Lynn
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Brendan P. Crighton
Last updated 4 months ago1 Co-Sponsor
S2948 - Making the charter of the county on Nantucket gender neutral
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Julian Andre Cyr, Dylan A. Fernandes
Last updated 4 months ago2 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to make the charter of the county on Nantucket gender neutral. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local approval received.]
S1309 - To increase kennel safety aka Ollie’s Law
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Mark C. Montigny, Adam Gomez, Jacob R. Oliveira
Last updated almost 2 years ago22 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to increase kennel safety aka Ollie’s Law. Municipalities and Regional Government.
S1837 - Establishing fairness for agricultural laborers
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Adam Gomez, Carlos Gonzalez, James B. Eldridge
Last updated almost 2 years ago4 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to establish fairness for agricultural laborers. Revenue.
S2967 - Promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers
Massachusetts - 193rd General Court
Last updated about 1 month ago0 Co-Sponsors
Report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two branches with reference to the House amendment to the Senate Bill upgrading the grid and protecting ratepayers (Senate, No. 2838) (amended by the House by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the text of House document numbered 4884; and by striking out the title and inserting in place thereof a new title),-- reports, a “Bill promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers” (Senate, No. 2967).
S2281 - To ensure benefits through enhanced Selective Service registration
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Patrick M. O'Connor, Hannah Kane, Steven S. Howitt
Last updated almost 2 years ago6 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to ensure benefits through enhanced Selective Service registration. Transportation.
S307 - Establishing a special commission to re-imagine school assessment and accountability
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Jason M. Lewis, Patricia D. Jehlen, James B. Eldridge
Last updated almost 2 years ago5 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to establish a Special Commission to Re-Imagine School Assessment and Accountability. Education.
S2242 - To establish standards for quarry licensing and the testing for pyrite minerals
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Anne M. Gobi, Ryan C. Fattman, Brian Michael Ashe
Last updated almost 2 years ago30 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to establish standards for quarry licensing and the testing for pyrite minerals. Transportation.
S1432 - Resolve establishing a sexual assault counselor certification task force
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Michael O. Moore, Natalie M. Higgins, Susannah M. Whipps Lee
Last updated almost 2 years ago8 Co-Sponsors
Relative to establishing a sexual assault counselor certification task force. Public Health.
S1646 - Relative to police cadets in the city of Everett
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Salvatore N. DiDomenico
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation relative to police cadets in the city of Everett. Public Service. [Local Approval Received.]
S1187 - To make data on workforce development outcomes public and accessible
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Patricia D. Jehlen, Angelo J. Puppolo, John J. Cronin
Last updated almost 2 years ago7 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to make data on workforce development outcomes public and accessible. Labor and Workforce Development.
S607 - To increase access to nurse-midwifery services
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Brendan P. Crighton, Lydia Marie Edwards, Patrick M. O'Connor
Last updated almost 2 years ago10 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to insurance coverage and access to nurse-midwifery services. Financial Services.
S2083 - Exempting prepaid wireless customers from E911 fees
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Michael D. Brady
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to exempt prepaid wireless customers from E911 fees. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
S1839 - To provide tax relief for low-income veterans
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Adam Gomez, Adam J. Scanlon
Last updated almost 2 years ago2 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to provide tax relief for low-income veterans. Revenue.
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