S429 - Granting the city of Boston the authority to endow legal voting rights in municipal elections for city of Boston residents aged 16 and 17 years old
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Liz Miranda
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to grant the city of Boston the authority to endow legal voting rights in municipal elections for city of Boston residents aged 16 and 17 years old. Election Laws. [Local Approval Received.]
S2458 - Relative to fentanyl test strips
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Judiciary, Cynthia Stone Creem, David M. Rogers
Last updated about 1 year ago6 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to fentanyl test strips; and of David M. Rogers, Lindsay N. Sabadosa and David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf relative to fentanyl test strips, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2458).
S481 - Establishing a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
James B. Eldridge, Steven C. Owens, Lindsay N. Sabadosa
Last updated almost 2 years ago20 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to establish a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility. Environment and Natural Resources.
S1248 - To increase investment in behavioral health care in the Commonwealth
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Cindy F. Friedman, David Allen Robertson, Rebecca L. Rausch
Last updated almost 2 years ago3 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to increase investment in behavioral health care in the Commonwealth. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery.
S1849 - Establishing a millionaire’s tax trust fund
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
John F. Keenan, Susannah M. Whipps Lee
Last updated almost 2 years ago2 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to establish a millionaire’s tax trust fund. Revenue.
S2419 - Authorizing the town of Wellfleet to establish a real estate transfer fee
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Julian Andre Cyr, Sarah K. Peake
Last updated over 1 year ago2 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to authorize the town of Wellfleet to establish a real estate transfer fee. Revenue. [Local approval received]
S1787 - Relative to first time homebuyer and rental savings accounts
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Julian Andre Cyr, Patrick M. O'Connor, Bruce E. Tarr
Last updated almost 2 years ago4 Co-Sponsors
For legislation relative to first time homebuyer and rental savings accounts. Revenue.
S1525 - Prohibiting profiling of motorcyclists and motorcycle-only checkpoints
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Barry R. Finegold
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to prohibit profiling of motorcyclists and motorcycle-only checkpoints. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S2323 - Establishing a commission on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Barry R. Finegold
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to establish a commission on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Veterans and Federal Affairs.
S1940 - Increasing the conservation land tax credit
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Bruce E. Tarr, James B. Eldridge, Hannah Kane
Last updated almost 2 years ago13 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to increase the conservation land tax credit. Revenue.
S10 - Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
William N. Brownsberger, Rebecca L. Rausch
Last updated almost 2 years ago2 Co-Sponsors
Relative to the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The Judiciary.
S18 - Proposed Joint Rules for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
S138 - Authorizing municipalities to use funds for flood control infrastructure and floodplain preservation
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
John C. Velis, Kelly W. Pease
Last updated almost 2 years ago2 Co-Sponsors
For legislation to authorize municipalities to use funds for flood control infrastructure and floodplain preservation. Community Development and Small Businesses.
S1109 - Repealing the criminalization of blasphemy
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Rebecca L. Rausch
Last updated almost 2 years ago1 Co-Sponsor
For legislation to repeal the criminalization of blasphemy. The Judiciary.
S2468 - Similar Bills
Massachusetts - 193rd General CourtIntroduced by
Ways and Means
Last updated about 1 year ago1 Co-Sponsor
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