B25-0124 - Prior Authorization Reform Amendment Act of 2023
Janeese Lewis George, Brooke Pinto, Vincent Gray
Last updated 10 months ago
11 Co-Sponsors
As introduced, Bill 25-124 would regulate the practice of health insurers that require patients and their medical providers to seek prior authorization for certain medications, medical procedures, or other medical care. It would set explicit timelines for insurers to respond to prior authorization requests and appeals and establishes what qualifications personnel must have to make these determinations. It would also clarify how insurers are to make information on prior authorization determinations available to patients and their medical providers. It would also prohibit insurers from requiring prior authorization for a treatment based solely on cost and require employers to provide timely notice to employees of medications and treatments covered under their insurer’s standard health benefit plan. FUNDING NOTE - This bill was passed Subject to Appropriations and was fully funded in Bill 25-785. Subject to Appropriations repealer in B25-784.
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