HB236 - Helping Heroes Act; create to provide support to first responders and public EMS personnel diagnosed with PTSD.
Kevin Ford
Last updated 10 months ago
1 Co-Sponsor
An Act To Create The "helping Heroes Act" To Provide Support To Any Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter Or Public Ems Personnel Who Is Diagnosed With Ptsd By A Mental Health Professional During His Or Her Normal Course Of Duty; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That As An Alternative To Pursuing Workers' Compensation Benefits, Upon A Diagnosis Of Ptsd, A First Responder Or Public Ems Personnel Shall Be Entitled To Reimbursement For Paid Mental Health Services And Up To Thirty Days Of Paid Time Off; To Provide That The Treatment And Paid Time Off For Each Eligible First Responder Or Public Ems Personnel Shall Not Exceed $7,500.00 Per Person Annually; To Provide That The Treatment And Paid Time Off Shall Be Paid Through The Insurance Premium Tax Revenue Collected By The Department Of Revenue; To Create A Special Fund In The State Treasury To Be Known As The "helping Heroes Act Fund"; To Provide The Reporting Requirements Of The Fund; And For Related Purposes.
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