SB329 - Enact the School Bus Safety Act
Ohio - 135th General Assembly (2023-2024)
Introduced byTheresa Gavarone
Last updated about 1 month ago
1 Co-Sponsor
To amend sections 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.12, 4511.75, 4511.751, and 4511.76; to amend, for the purpose of adopting a new section number as indicated in parentheses, section 4511.751 (4511.752); and to enact new section 4511.751 and sections 5.501, 3327.18, 3327.19, 4511.753, 4511.754, 4511.755, 4511.756, and 4511.757 of the Revised Code to authorize a civil penalty system related to drivers who illegally pass a school bus but cannot be identified, to designate the month of August as "School Bus Safety Awareness Month," and to designate this act as the School Bus Safety Act.
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