2 Co-Sponsors
An act to amend Sections 1601.1, 1628.7, 1632, 1632.5, 1632.55, 1634.1, 1635.5, 1638.1, 1645, 1646, 1646.1, 1646.2, 1646.3, 1646.9, 1647.2, 1647.3, 1647.6, 1647.18, 1647.19, 1647.20, 1647.22, 1647.30, 1647.31, 1647.32, 1682, 1684.1, 1700, 1701, 1701.1, 1718.3, 1724, 1740, 1750, 1750.1, 1750.2, 1750.3, 1750.4, 1750.5, 1752.4, 1753, 1753.5, 1753.55, 1753.6, 1804, and 1907 of, to amend, repeal, and add Section 1752.1 of, to add Sections 1646.12, 1647.37, 1647.38, 1707, 1753.51, 1753.52, 1754.5, and 1755 to, to repeal Sections 1607, 1632.1, 1749.1, 1753.7, and 2079 of, and to repeal and add Sections 1647.35, 1647.36, 1701.5, and 1741 of, the Business and Professions Code, relating to healing arts.
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