B25-0106 - Comprehensive Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Access, Readiness, and Sustainability Amendment Act of 2023
Charles Allen, Janeese Lewis George, Brooke Pinto
Last updated about 1 month ago
14 Co-Sponsors
As introduced Bill 25-106 would expand the District’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Program to allow DDOT to use federal infrastructure dollars to deploy EV charging stations in areas lacking EV infrastructure beginning in 2024. It would also require DDOT to create an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment and Management Plan in 2024 to aid in assessing the electric grid’s readiness and resiliency for EV charging. It establishes when EV charging infrastructure is required to be incentivized, installed or upgraded by property owners and renters. FUNDING NOTE - This bill is Subject to Appropriations. Please see the Fiscal Impact Statement for more information.
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