H1233 - Biological Sex
Dean Black
Last updated 10 months ago
1 Co-Sponsor
Defines terms relating to sex of individual in context of construction of Florida Statutes; provides that certain birth certificate statement determines whether person is male or female & may serve as committeeman or committeewoman, respectively; revises provisions related to applications for disability ID cards, application requirements for driver licenses & ID cards to replace references to term "gender" with term "sex"; prohibits DHSMV from issuing original or replacement driver licenses or ID cards that contain specified information; requires individual health insurance policies, group health insurance policies, health benefit plans, & health maintenance contracts that provide coverage for sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures must also provide coverage for treatment to detransition from such sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; defines term "sex" for purposes of Florida Civil Rights Act; revises provisions related to remedies for unlawful discrimination to include protection on basis of sex, rather than gender.
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