HB1077 - Bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, etc.; exception to stopping requirement.
Betsy B. Carr, Phil M. Hernandez
Last updated 10 months ago
2 Co-Sponsors
Exception to stopping requirement; bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter. Authorizes the person operating a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter to yield instead of stop at an intersection controlled by a stop sign if (i) each intersecting highway has no more than three motor vehicle travel lanes; (ii) the person is at least 15 years of age or accompanied by an adult; (iii) the person slows to a reasonable speed based on existing conditions; and (iv) before proceeding into the intersection, the person stops for any pedestrian within the crosswalk and for any other vehicle approaching or entering such intersection from another direction. Exception to stopping requirement; bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter. Authorizes the person operating a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or motorized skateboard or scooter to yield instead of stop at an intersection controlled by a stop sign if (i) each intersecting highway has no more than three motor vehicle travel lanes; (ii) the person is at least 15 years of age or accompanied by an adult; (iii) the person slows to a reasonable speed based on existing conditions; and (iv) before proceeding into the intersection, the person stops for any pedestrian within the crosswalk and for any other vehicle approaching or entering such intersection from another direction.
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