HB274 - An Act To Amend Title 18, Title 29, And Title 31 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Insurance Coverage Of Allergen Introduction Dietary Supplements For Infants.
Kimberly Williams, Laura Sturgeon, Sarah McBride
Last updated 3 months ago
19 Co-Sponsors
Early, sustained exposure to peanut and egg proteins in the infant diet significantly reduces the risk that an infant will develop a peanut or egg allergy, saving lives and future health care costs. Following multiple clinical studies, the current guidance of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, which is followed by pediatricians, recommends that by age 6 months, all infants should be introduced to both peanut and egg protein and that unless contraindicated, all infants should regularly consume peanut and well-cooked egg protein until they reach the age of 1 year, to reduce the risk of developing peanut or egg allergies.
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