SB322 - An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Student Athletes.
Sarah McBride, Kerri Evelyn Harris, Stephanie L. Hansen
Last updated 6 months ago
14 Co-Sponsors
This Act updates the Grace Firestone Act to strengthen regulations for member schools regarding sudden cardiac arrest. The Act requires member schools to develop an athletic emergency action plan and have an automated external defibrillator (AED) less than 3 minutes from any venue where practices and competitions are held. It further requires all coaches, physical education teachers, referees, health teachers and at least one staff member delivering student behavioral health services or at least one school administrator per school to be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and trained in the use of an automated external defibrillator. The Act requires regular maintenance checks of AED equipment to follow the manufacturers guidelines for routine checks. The Act mandates all member schools to establish a cardiac emergency response plan and provide Stop the Bleed training to staff once every year.
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