B25-0345 - Accountability and Victim Protection Amendment Act of 2023 (now known as "Secure DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2024")
Brooke Pinto, Zachary Parker, Anita Bonds
Last updated 5 months ago
4 Co-Sponsors
As introduced Bill 25-345 would eliminate or extend the length of statutes of limitations for certain serious crimes. It would make misdemeanor arrest warrants extraditable and also clarify that GPS records in the possession of the Pretrial Services Agency can be admissible to prove a defendant’s guilt in a criminal case or other judicial proceeding. It would enhance protections for seniors and children and also increase protections for victims of sexual and domestic violence. FUNDING NOTE - This bill was passed Subject to Appropriations and was partially funded in Bill 25-785. Sections 2(a) and the second subsection designated (b), 5, 9, 14, 28(b), 32, 33, amendatory section 7 in section 37, 41, and 44 are Subject to Appropriations. On August 5, the Chief Financial Officer certified that section 30 of Secure DC was included in a budget and financial plan. The funding certification can be found in 71 DCR 35 at https://www.dcregs.dc.gov/Common/DCR/Issues/IssueCategoryList.aspx?CategoryID=12&IssueID=1101.
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