B25-0802 - U Street Affordable Housing and Public Participation Assurances Amendment Act of 2024
Brianne Nadeau
Last updated 7 months ago
1 Co-Sponsor
As introduced Bill 25-802 would specify that District property located at 1617 U Street, N.W., and 1620 V Street, N.W. shall not have affordable housing requirements reduced or waived by the Mayor and shall have at least two additional public hearings held by the Mayor following the issuance of an order by the Zoning Commission on Case No. 23-02. It would require that the property be retained in fee simple ownership by the District in perpetuity and that any request for proposals for redevelopment of the property issued by the Mayor include an assessment of service levels provided by police and fire services on the property. It would also require that applicants explain how a proposal is consistent with relevant policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Among other things, it would grant Advisory Commission 1C great weight on any matter regarding the redevelopment of the property for which Advisory Neighborhood Commissions 1B and 2B would ordinarily be granted great weight.
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