SB76 - Revises provisions relating to securities. (BDR 7-486)
Last updated about 1 month ago
1 Co-Sponsor
AN ACT relating to securities; creating the Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Securities Fraud and prescribing the use of money in the Fund; authorizing certain persons to whom a court orders restitution to apply for compensation from the Fund; requiring the Administrator of the Securities Division of the Office of the Secretary of State to review applications for and award compensation from the Fund; making confidential certain information; requiring the Division to adopt regulations relating to the administration of the Fund; requiring the Administrator to submit to the Legislature a biennial report concerning the Fund; requiring a person who receives compensation from the Fund to reimburse the State for such compensation under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to certain exempt securities and exempt transactions; revising provisions governing the deposit of certain money received by the Administrator; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
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