HR28 - Reproductive freedom; Speaker of the House of Delegates to order a study of legal effects.
Eric R. Zehr
Last updated 10 months ago
1 Co-Sponsor
Directing the Speaker of the House of Delegates to order a study of the legal effects and consequences of a constitutional amendment enshrining a right to reproductive freedom. Directs the Speaker of the House of Delegates to order a study of the legal effects and consequences of a constitutional amendment enshrining a right to reproductive freedom, including whether the phrase "This right to make and effectuate one's own decisions about all matters related to one's pregnancy shall not be denied, burdened, or infringed upon...." would constitutionally protect abortion throughout all of pregnancy, create a constitutional right for the parents of a dead child to sell such child's body parts, and legally permit partial birth infanticide, born-alive murder, child pornography, sexual assault, and any other crime so long as the umbilical cord and placenta are still attached to both the mother and the child.
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