S0260 - Refusal to Submit to a Breath, Urine, or Blood Test
Criminal Justice, Nicola G. DiCeglie, Ed Hooper
Last updated 10 months ago
3 Co-Sponsors
Requiring that a person arrested for driving or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence who refuses to submit to a lawful test of his or her breath incidental to a lawful arrest be told that he or she is subject, for a first refusal, to the suspension of the privilege to operate a motor vehicle unless the person agrees to the placement for a specified timeframe, at the person's own expense, of an ignition interlock device on all vehicles that are individually or jointly leased or owned and routinely operated by the person for 1 continuous year; specifying application of prohibitions and penalties; prohibiting eligibility to receive a license until certain actions are performed, etc.
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