H0197 - Health Care Practitioners and Massage Therapy
Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee, Vicki Lopez
Last updated 8 months ago
12 Co-Sponsors
Requires DOH to report specified data; authorizes DOH to suspend license of certain health care practitioners & massage establishments in certain circumstances; revises advertising requirements for massage therapists & massage establishments; prohibits establishments from sheltering or harboring, or being used as sleeping quarters for any person; requires DOH investigators to request government identification from all employees while in massage establishment; specifies additional documents person operating massage establishment must present, upon request, to DOH investigators & law enforcement officers; requires DOH to notify federal immigration office if specified persons fail to provide government identification; revises definition of "unlicensed massage establishment".
Verifications Required
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You must be a resident or registered voter in this state.