S0684 - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Lawrence K. Grooms
Last updated over 1 year ago
1 Co-Sponsor
Amend The South Carolina Code Of Laws By Amending Section 58-27-10, Relating To Definitions Concerning Electric Utilities And Electric Cooperatives So As To Define Terms Related To Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; And By Amending Section 58-27-1060, Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, So As To Provide That An Electric Utility, A Municipality, A Consolidated Political Subdivision, The Public Service Authority, And Electric Cooperatives That Provide, Own, Operate, Or Maintain An Electric Vehicle Charging Station Must Do So Through A Separate, Unregulated Entity, So As To Provide That Electric Charging Station Fees, Terms, Rates, Charges, And Conditions Must Be On A Non-discriminatory Basis, And So As To Provide That Revenue Derived From An Electric Charging Station Shall Not Subsidize The Owner's Investments And Operations.
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