SB290 - Create Dolly Parton's Imagination Library license plate
Ohio - 135th General Assembly (2023-2024)
Introduced byNickie J. Antonio, Andrew O. Brenner, Hearcel F. Craig
Last updated 6 days ago
15 Co-Sponsors
To amend section 4501.21 and to enact sections 4503.541, 5533.106, 5533.532, 5534.013, 5534.427, 5534.429, 5534.443, 5534.482, 5534.502, 5534.505, 5534.617, 5534.673, 5534.705, 5534.8710, 5534.914, 5534.919, 5534.921, 5534.924, 5534.926, 5534.927, 5534.929, 5534.941, 5534.961, 5534.964, 5534.966, and 5534.968 of the Revised Code to make multiple highway designations and to create the "Dolly Parton Imagination Library" license plate.
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