SB1238 - AN ACT to make appropriations for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the state government for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2022, and July 1, 2023, in the administration, operation, and maintenance of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the various departments, institutions, offices, and agencies of the state; for certain state aid and obligations; for capital outlay, for the service of the public debt, for emergency and contingency; to repeal certain appropriations and any acts inconsistent herewith; to provide provisional continuing appropriations; and to establish certain provisions, limitations, and restrictions under which appropriations may be obligated and expended. This act makes appropriations for the purposes described above for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2022, and July 1, 2023.
Tennessee - 113th General Assembly
Introduced byJoseph Hensley
Last updated almost 2 years ago
1 Co-Sponsor
As introduced, makes appropriations for the purpose of defraying the expenses of certain legislative enactments passed during the 2023 session of the 113th General Assembly; earmarks sufficient state funds for the purpose of funding any bill naming a highway or bridge in honor of a service member killed in action.
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