HB1035 - AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 1 and Title 49, Chapter 6, relative to student retention.
Tennessee - 113th General Assembly
Introduced byJohnny W. Shaw, John Ray Clemmons, Bill Beck
Last updated almost 2 years ago
8 Co-Sponsors
As introduced, removes the retention requirement for third grade students who did not test proficient on the English language arts (ELA) portion of their most recent Tennessee comprehensive assessment program test; authorizes a student's ELA teacher or school principal to retain the student in the third or fourth grade if the teacher or principal determines that the student is not proficient in ELA; requires written notice to a student's parent of the student's potential retention and of any alternatives to retention that are available to the student. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 1 and Title 49, Chapter 6.
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