B25-0312 - Health Professional Licensing Boards Residency Requirement Amendment Act of 2023
Christina Henderson, Zachary Parker
Last updated 11 months ago
2 Co-Sponsors
As introduced, Bill 25-312 would require that at least 50% of Health Professional Licensing Board positions designated for professional members be filled by District residents at the time of their appointments and while they are members of the board. It also requires that the professional members of each Board be licensed for the health occupation regulated by the Board on which they sit and engaged in the practice of that health occupation in the District for at least 3 years preceding their appointment. It also requires that members who are not District residents be engaged in the practice of the health occupation regulated by the Board in the District while they are members of the Board.
Verifications Required
You must be a verified voter to do that.
You must be a resident or registered voter in this state.