H0975 - Background Screenings and Certifications
Health & Human Services Committee, Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, Dana Trabulsy
Last updated 6 months ago
15 Co-Sponsors
Provides qualifications for person seeking certification as person with lived experience; requires continuum of care lead agencies to submit certain information to DCF for purposes of background screening; expands certain background screening requirements to apply to all health care practitioners; revises licensure, registration, or certification requirements for acupuncturists; optometrists; pharmacists; dentists; midwives; speech-language pathologists & audiologists; nursing home administrators; occupational therapists; respiratory therapists; dietitian/nutritionists; practitioners of orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics; electrologists; clinical laboratory personnel; medical physicists; genetic counselors; opticians; physical therapists; psychologists & school psychologists; clinical social workers, marriage & family therapists, & mental health counselors.
Verifications Required
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You must be a resident or registered voter in this state.