S0322 - Public Records and Meetings
Colleen Burton
Last updated 9 months ago
1 Co-Sponsor
Providing an exemption from public records requirements for certain information held by the Department of Health, the Board of Medicine, the Board of Osteopathic Medicine, the Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and the Board of Physical Therapy Practice pursuant to the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact, and the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, as applicable; authorizing disclosure of the information under certain circumstances; providing an exemption from public meetings requirements for certain meetings, or portions of meetings, of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact Commission, and the Physical Therapy Compact Commission; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemptions; providing statements of public necessity, etc.
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